Kaggle Courses - Hello, Python

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제일 처음에 있는 강의는 Intro to Programming 인데, 생략하기로 결정했다. Hello, Python도 생략하려다가 그래도 한 번 들어보자는 생각에 시작한다. 다만, Python같은 경우는 Exercise위주로 정리하려고 한다.



This is a silly question intended as an introduction to the format we use for hands-on exercises throughout all Kaggle courses.

*What is your favorite color? *

To complete this question, create a variable called color in the cell below with an appropriate value. The function call q0.check() (which we’ve already provided in the cell below) will check your answer.

# create a variable called color with an appropriate value on the line below
# (Remember, strings in Python must be enclosed in 'single' or "double" quotes)

# Check your answer
# create a variable called color with an appropriate value on the line below
# (Remember, strings in Python must be enclosed in 'single' or "double" quotes)
from learntools.core import binder; binder.bind(globals())
from learntools.python.ex1 import *
color = 'blue'

# Check your answer


Complete the code below. In case it’s helpful, here is the table of available arithmetic operations:

Operator Name Description
a + b Addition Sum of a and b
a - b Subtraction Difference of a and b
a * b Multiplication Product of a and b
a / b True division Quotient of a and b
a // b Floor division Quotient of a and b, removing fractional parts
a % b Modulus Integer remainder after division of a by b
a ** b Exponentiation a raised to the power of b
-a Negation The negative of a
pi = 3.14159 # approximate
diameter = 3

# Create a variable called 'radius' equal to half the diameter

# Create a variable called 'area', using the formula for the area of a circle: pi times the radius squared

# Check your answer
pi = 3.14159 # approximate
diameter = 3

# Create a variable called 'radius' equal to half the diameter
radius = diameter / 2

# Create a variable called 'area', using the formula for the area of a circle: pi times the radius squared
area = (radius ** 2) * pi

# Check your answer


Add code to the following cell to swap variables a and b (so that a refers to the object previously referred to by b and vice versa).

########### Setup code - don't touch this part ######################
# If you're curious, these are examples of lists. We'll talk about 
# them in depth a few lessons from now. For now, just know that they're
# yet another type of Python object, like int or float.
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [3, 2, 1]

# Your code goes here. Swap the values to which a and b refer.
# If you get stuck, you can always uncomment one or both of the lines in
# the next cell for a hint, or to peek at the solution.


# Check your answer
########### Setup code - don't touch this part ######################
# If you're curious, these are examples of lists. We'll talk about 
# them in depth a few lessons from now. For now, just know that they're
# yet another type of Python object, like int or float.
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [3, 2, 1]

a, b = b, a


# Check your answer


Add parentheses to the following expression so that it evaluates to 1.

5 - 3 // 2
(5 - 3) // 2


Questions, like this one, marked a spicy pepper are a bit harder.

Add parentheses to the following expression so that it evaluates to 0.

8 - 3 * 2 - 1 + 1
8 - (3 * 2) - (1 + 1)


Alice, Bob and Carol have agreed to pool their Halloween candy and split it evenly among themselves. For the sake of their friendship, any candies left over will be smashed. For example, if they collectively bring home 91 candies, they’ll take 30 each and smash 1.

Write an arithmetic expression below to calculate how many candies they must smash for a given haul.

# Variables representing the number of candies collected by alice, bob, and carol
alice_candies = 121
bob_candies = 77
carol_candies = 109

# Your code goes here! Replace the right-hand side of this assignment with an expression
# involving alice_candies, bob_candies, and carol_candies
to_smash = -1

# Check your answer
# Variables representing the number of candies collected by alice, bob, and carol
alice_candies = 121
bob_candies = 77
carol_candies = 109

# Your code goes here! Replace the right-hand side of this assignment with an expression
# involving alice_candies, bob_candies, and carol_candies
to_smash = (alice_candies + bob_candies + carol_candies) % 3

# Check your answer