Kaggle Courses - Machine Learning Competitions

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sell #Kaggle #Courses #Intro to Machine Learning

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Kaggle Courses - Random Forests


Train a model for the competition

The code cell above trains a Random Forest model on train_X and train_y.

Use the code cell below to build a Random Forest model and train it on all of X and y.

# To improve accuracy, create a new Random Forest model which you will train on all training data
rf_model_on_full_data = ____

# fit rf_model_on_full_data on all data from the training data

Now, read the file of “test” data, and apply your model to make predictions.

# path to file you will use for predictions
test_data_path = '../input/test.csv'

# read test data file using pandas
test_data = ____

# create test_X which comes from test_data but includes only the columns you used for prediction.
# The list of columns is stored in a variable called features
test_X = ____

# make predictions which we will submit. 
test_preds = ____

Before submitting, run a check to make sure your test_preds have the right format.

# To improve accuracy, create a new Random Forest model which you will train on all training data
rf_model_on_full_data = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=1)

# fit rf_model_on_full_data on all data from the training data
rf_model_on_full_data.fit(train_X, train_y)
# path to file you will use for predictions
test_data_path = '../input/test.csv'

# read test data file using pandas
test_data = pd.read_csv(test_data_path)

# create test_X which comes from test_data but includes only the columns you used for prediction.
# The list of columns is stored in a variable called features
test_X = test_data[features]

# make predictions which we will submit. 
test_preds = rf_model_on_full_data.predict(test_X)

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